Les usagers d’héroïne et de cocaïne à Seattle en passe d’obtenir le premier site d’utilisation sécurisée.


Les usagers d’héroïne et de cocaïne à Seattle en passe d’obtenir le premier site d’utilisation sécurisée.

15 avril 2016

Le site, qui serait le premier de ce genre aux Etats-Unis, fournirait une supervision médicale aux usagers de drogues telles que l’héroïne et la cocaïne. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Daniel Beekman

Seattle could become the first city in the U.S. with a site providing medical supervision for people using illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine.

Seattle could become the first city in the U.S. with a public site where users can inject and smoke hard drugs under medical supervision.

One local group plans to open a bare-bones safe-consumption site on a shoestring budget as soon as possible, while another group has launched an awareness campaign to build support among politicians and communities.

Proponents say one or more sites could reduce overdose deaths, HIV and hepatitis C transmissions and the number of used needles that litter sidewalks and alleys.

They say the sites would keep drug users alive long enough to seek treatment and give people on the margins of society means to access help.

The proponents point to Insite, a 13-year-old safe-injection site in Vancouver, B.C., where no overdose deaths have occurred. Founder Liz Evans spoke about the site to the Seattle City Council’s public-health committee last month.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr Terry Dye
