
Visitez Drugs Meter et apprenez-en davantage sur notre usage de drogues

28 mars 2012

Drugs meter is a website that provides immediate personalised feedback on your drug use.

Drugs meter tells you how your drug use compares to other people just like you, offering objective, personalised feedback that takes your personal features in to account. With an overview of total drug use and in depth analysis for nine drugs at present, drugs meter gives objective feedback informed by medical experts.

A secure, anonymous web and smartphone app, drugs meter is an independent app that is not funded by any government and is committed to giving honest, accurate information. All data is anonymous, secure and cannot be traced back to any individual — making drugs meter a safe place to find out more about your drug use.

So do you want to know if your drug use is average for other people just like you? Or find out if your alcohol use is considered as high risk by the World Health Organisation? Come and check out the drugs meter and see how you measure up.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
