Irán intensificará la guerra contra los traficantes de drogas, anuncia el ministro del Interior


Irán intensificará la guerra contra los traficantes de drogas, anuncia el ministro del Interior

13 mayo 2014

Irán prevé cerrar totalmente sus fronteras orientales con Afganistán y Pakistán para el año 2015, con el fin de impedir el contrabando de drogas y la entrada de grupos armados.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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"The government is committed to tighten control over border crossings and increase border control to decrease drug smuggling into the country," the Iranian interior minister told reporters in Tehran on Thursday.

He said that decreasing counter-security incidents along borders, specially through blocking boundaries in Southeastern and Northwestern Iran are among the interior ministry's plans to block supply of narcotics in the current year.

Iran aims to completely seal off its Eastern borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan by 2015 to prevent drug smuggling and infiltration of armed groups.

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