Corea del Norte se enfrenta a un incremento del uso de metanfetamina


Corea del Norte se enfrenta a un incremento del uso de metanfetamina

17 septiembre 2013

Según un nuevo estudio, algunas regiones de Corea del Norte están experimentando una ‘epidemia de metanfetamina’. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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A new study published in the journal North Korea Review says that parts of North Korea are experiencing a crystal meth “epidemic,” with an “upsurge” of recreational meth use and accompanying addiction in the country’s northern provinces.

“Almost every adult in that area [of North Korea] has experienced using ice and not just once,” a study co-author told the Wall Street Journal. “I estimate that at least 40% to 50% are seriously addicted to the drug.”

Click here to read the full article

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