Los referendos populares sobre la ley de la marihuana siguen prosperando en Estados Unidos


Los referendos populares sobre la ley de la marihuana siguen prosperando en Estados Unidos

29 octubre 2012

Las iniciativas de referendo popular para la legalización de la marihuana en Washington, Oregón y Colorado están ganando impulso a medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales. Según las últimas encuestas, los votos a favor de la propuesta alcanzarían el 57% en Washington, el 37% en Oregón (con un 22% de indecisos) y el 51% en Colorado. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Marijuana legalization ballot initiatives in Washington, Oregon and Colorado are gaining momentum as the presidential election nears. Recent polls of prospective voters shows 57% support in Washington, 37% support in Oregon (with 22% undecided), and 51% support in Colorado, respectively.

The proposed initiative will alter state laws as follows:

Colorado – Amendment 64: Colorado’s medical marijuana system will become exempt from retail taxes and will make recreational marijuana use by adults over the age of 21 legal through a state regulatory system. It will also remove penalties for growing up to six plants, remove a ban on industrial hemp, and establish a retail system for marijuana.

Oregon – Measure 80: The state of Oregon will lift a ban on industrial hemp and make marijuana use legal for adults over the age of 21. Under the Oregon Cannabis Commission, possession, cultivation and retail will be permitted.

Washington – Initiative 502: Under this initiative, marijuana use will be legal for adults over the age of 21 and marijuana businesses will be regulated, taxed and licensed by the state government. However, marijuana/cannabis will still remain under Schedule 1, meaning that it only renders certain marijuana-related activities legal, while the plant itself will remain illegal.

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