Reunión entre periodo de sesiones de la CND


Reunión entre periodo de sesiones de la CND

2 agosto 2017

Las discusiones temáticas abordarán la implementación de los siete capítulos del Documento de resultados de la UNGASS de 2016. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Suscríbase a las Alertas mensuales del IDPC para recibir información sobre cuestiones relacionadas con políticas sobre drogas.

A CND intersessional was held on 6th June to discuss the post-UNGASS implementation process. Member states decided that a new series of post-UNGASS events would be held and include a panel of 8-9 people (each of the 5 regional groups, 3 for UN agencies, 1 for civil society), followed by interactive discussions.

26-28 September: 1st round of discussions:

  • 26th Sept: chapter 1 on demand reduction
  • 27th Sept: chapter 2 on access to controlled medicines
  • 28th Sept: chapter 4 on drugs and human rights, youth, children, women and communities

16-18 October: 2nd round of discussions:

  • 16th Oct: chapter 3 on supply reduction, law enforcement, responses to drug-related crime and countering money laundering
  • 17th Oct: chapter 5 on evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances
  • 18th Oct: chapter 7 on alternative development, development-oriented drug policy

16-17 November: 3rd round of discussions:

  • 16th Nov: Chapter 6 on strengthening international cooperation and the principle of common and shared responsibility
  • 17th Nov: Way forward: preparations for the ministerial segment of the 62nd CND in 2019

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.

Thumbnail: CC flickr UNIS Vienna

Viena, Austria
Inicio15 octubre 2017
Finalizar17 octubre 2017

