
Results 3157 to 3168 of 3838
8 November 2011

ATS and harm reduction: Findings from a workshop in Burma/Myanmar

On October, 2011, the Burnet Institute and the Transnational Institute (TNI) organised an informal two-day workshop on Harm Reduction and ATS in Myanmar. The 35-40 participants included local representatives from drug user organisations and peer outreach workers from different regions of Myanmar, as well as international and local NGOs, and UN agencies in Myanmar.
7 November 2011

ATS e redução de Riscos: Descobertas de um workshop em Burma/Myanmar

O uso problemático de estimulantes tipo anfetamina (ATS) tornou-se um significativo problema de saúde e social na Este e Sudeste Asiático, particularmente o udo de metanfetaminas, o derivado da anfetamina mais potente e mais usado na região, conhecido como “yaba” ou “yama”.
7 November 2011
The State of Harm Reduction in Europe

The State of Harm Reduction in Europe

The film crew of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union attended the first meeting of the European Harm Reduction Network (EuroHRN) in Marseille, France. They interviewed professionals and activists from several countries to give you an overview of the current state of harm reduction in Europe.
7 November 2011

Global State of Harm Reduction e-tool

The ‘Global State of Harm Reduction e-tool’ is an online resource containing up-to-date information on harm reduction policy and programming around the world. The web pages draw on the latest research in this area to present an at-a-glance guide to the current state of harm reduction worldwide.
7 November 2011

Child protection and mothers in substance abuse treatment

This report presents the major findings from the Child Protection and Mothers in Substance Abuse Treatment study, a three-year study which provides an enhanced understanding of parenting issues and child protection involvement among women with a history of illicit drug use in Australia.
1 November 2011

Pilot study on wholesale drug prices in Europe

This Pilot study on wholesale drug markets aims to contribute to developing key indicators of policy relevant data on drug markets in Europe. In order to assess the feasibility of this collection process, this study provides an overview of the procedures implemented nationally and of the information available in European countries on wholesale drug prices.
27 October 2011
The Rise of Femicide and Women in Drug Trafficking

The Rise of Femicide and Women in Drug Trafficking

Although women have been active in DTOs for many years, even at times taking on dominant roles, only in the past ten years have they become increasingly visible in the media. Women today are acting as equal partners in all aspects of drug trafficking, from running crews to laundering funds, resulting in the rise of incarcerated and violently treated women.