A total of 31 people attended and comprised a mixture of domestic and international policy officials, the judiciary, and practitioners as well as representatives from non-governmental organisations and academic institutions. Four themes were covered over the course of the day: the international perspective on the issue of proportionality, the UK Experience and Consultation on Sentencing for Drug Offences, the concept of proportionality with a focus on different levels of involvement in drug offences, and drug mules.
What are countries in Europe doing to prevent illicit drug use? Prevention profiles try to answer this question by providing information based on expert appraisal of the level of provision of different prevention measures in Europe.
This report provides advice on high level issues that the UK Government should take into consideration in addressing legally available psychoactive substances.
Before its official premiere on 29th November at the Curzon Soho, Cocaine Unwrapped will be screened on 1st November at Picturehouse at Fact Liverpool (18:00), and on 10th November at Stratford East Picturehouse (20:30). Each screening will be followed by a Q&A with Rachel Seifert. Please, join us!
Before examining the key aspects of USAID’s alternative development policy and its implementation throughout these phases, this briefing paper describes the context in which these programs were executed in Colombia.
The fall of the Soviet Union led to a surge in injecting drug use and skyrocketing rates of HIV spread through shared injecting equipment. A documentary film directed by Anya Meksin and Leeza Meksin and produced by Sophie Pinkham, Balka details the lives of women struggling with drug use and HIV in Ukraine.
VOCAL-NY members who are current or former methadone patients worked with the Urban Justice Center’s Community Development Project to develop a community–led research report that would document the challenges faced by methadone patients in OTPs and develop recommendations to make these programs more patient-centered.
Despite Thailand's official reclassification of drug users as "patients" deserving care and not "criminals," the Thai government has continued to rely heavily on punitive responses to drug use such as "boot camp"-style compulsory "treatment" centers.
Vicente Fox, who was president from 2001 to 2006, said consumption of drugs in the US was at the root of the problem and he called for the legalisation of drugs in America.
This paper aims to set out some of the policy and public health issues raised by the appearance of a wide range of emergent psychoactive substances of diverse origin, effect and risk profile (commonly referred to as ‘legal highs’)
This report examines conditions in the Somsanga Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, which has received a decade of international support from the United States, the United Nations, and other donors.
By pooling UK data the study showed that opiate substitute treatment (in Britain, mainly using methadone) and high coverage needle and syringe programme participation can reduce the transmission of hepatitis C among injectors.