EMCDDA General Report of Activities 2011
This report provides a non-exhaustive account of the EMCDDA´s main activities and accomplishments in 2011. The structure used in the report mirrors that of the agency’s annual work programme, using the specific objectives defined therein. This approach increases transparency of the agency’s operations and makes the results easy to see and user-friendly.
The 2011 work programme took forward the activities started in 2010 to implement the EMCDDA´s three-year strategy and work programme (2010–12). Continuity was therefore central to all areas of work. Similarly, 2011 was a year for building on the achievements made in 2010 and major progress was accomplished in all areas.
At the same time, the rapidly evolving nature of the drug situation steered activities throughout the year. While the EMCDDA remained responsive to emerging opportunities and critical information requests, increased efforts and prioritisation were required to successfully fulfil our tasks and attain our objectives.
At operational level, the consolidation of the new organisational structure set up in 2010 along with improved internal coordination mechanisms and effective planning practices all contributed to the range and scope of results achieved.
2011 was also a year of enhanced partnership. New collaborative ventures, joint activities and publications with other EU agencies and international organisations active in the drugs field, as well as with academic and scientific communities, enriched the work throughout the period.
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- Amphetamine-type substances
- Cannabis & related
- Civil society engagement
- Coca, cocaine & related
- Decriminalisation
- Demand reduction
- Harm reduction
- Hepatitis
- Opium & opioids
- Human rights
- Transnational & organised crime
- Prisons & incarceration
- Supply reduction
- Health & harm reduction
- Decriminalisation, legal regulation & reform
- Violence, policing & punishment
- Human rights and social justice
Related Profiles
- European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)