SWAN examines the social justice impact of intersecting identities and provides recommendations for improving services, rights-based programs, and advocacy.
The delegation of the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture noted how private drug treatment facilities are not subject to adequate control and supervision, fueling violence and injustice against people who use drugs.
DPA and HRI condemn the US' multibillion-dollar contribution to punitive responses, urging greater transparency and a commitment to a rights-based approach.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy exposes prohibitionist policies' role in fueling inequities and offers a roadmap for reform including harm reduction measures, decriminalsiation, and the legal regulation of drug markets,
The HIV Legal Network provides answers about Canadian drug laws and the criminal justice system to help ACB communities facing systemic discrimination better understand their legal rights.
WHRIN launches 16-day period of global advocacy to demonstrate support for action and policy that prioritise human rights, gender awareness, and harm reduction.
Stoicescu et al. conclude the intersection of intimate partner violence and police sexual violence was associated with a nearly fourfold increase in non-fatal overdose.
Women and mothers in Brazil are honouring the memories of their lost loved ones by advocating for justice and an end to the state-sanctioned violence of the 'war on drugs'.
The EMCDDA reports on high availability and potency of substances, increasingly sophisticated supply infrastructures and the involvement and exploitation of people in situations of vulnerability in informal markets.