The World Hepatitis Summit (WHS) is an innovative, large-scale, global meeting to advance the viral hepatitis agenda and provide a platform for a broad hepatitis community to take stock of progress to date, share ideas, experiences and best practice in addressing the many challenges of viral hepatitis.
A seminar discussing how modes of personal connection matter in establishing and maintaining working relationships between a range of differently situated actors.
IDPC’s Drug decriminalisation [e]Course is a free-to-access online learning course that is open to anyone interested in this important topic. With the launch of the Russian version of the course, activists from the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia will have access to cutting-edge knowledge in the field of modern approaches.
[e]Курс IDPC по декриминализации наркотиков — это бесплатный онлайн-курс обучения, который открыт для всех, кто интересуется этой темой. С запуском новой версии курса активисты из стран ВЕЦА получат доступ к передовым знаниям и современным практикам для ведения успешной деятельности в своих странах.
#DrugDecrim Month showcases the wealth of existing evidence and knowledge on the harmful impacts of criminalisation, and the benefits of decriminalisation to foster safer, healthier and more inclusive communities.
Sexism Free Night Seminar, taking place on the 20th of May in Barcelona, will be a combination of activities, mix of presentations and side events, all aiming to present a full spectrum of topics around Sexism in Nightlife.
This side event will provide an opportunity for Member States, UN bodies, and civil society actors to set out clear goals and decisive action needed to decriminalise poverty and status, linked to the work of the UN Crime Commission and other international mechanisms and initiatives.
During this webinar, C-EHRN will launch the Data Report 2021, present its key findings and discuss them with representatives from different European organizations and institutions.