Past Events

Results 1345 to 1356 of 1425

10th Stapleford International Addiction Conference

Atene, Grecia
24 February 2011 - 27 February 2011
This is the only conference focusing on treatment with pharmacological and behavioural antagonists. The participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations on topics related to treatment.

10th Stapleford International Addiction Conference

Athens, Greece
24 February 2011 - 27 February 2011
This is the only conference focusing on treatment with pharmacological and behavioural antagonists. The participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations on topics related to treatment.

First IDPC drug policy Seminar in the Middle East and North Africa

Абу-Даби, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
2 January 2011 - 3 January 2011
The seminar will aim to examine the current state of drug policies in the region, identify key areas for discussion and improvement, and agree on a method of working together to developing networking and advocacy activities.

First IDPC drug policy Seminar in the Middle East and North Africa

Abu Dhabi, Emirados Árabes Unidos
2 January 2011 - 3 January 2011
The seminar will aim to examine the current state of drug policies in the region, identify key areas for discussion and improvement, and agree on a method of working together to developing networking and advocacy activities.

First IDPC drug policy Seminar in the Middle East and North Africa

Abu Dhabi, Emirati Arabi Uniti
2 January 2011 - 3 January 2011
The seminar will aim to examine the current state of drug policies in the region, identify key areas for discussion and improvement, and agree on a method of working together to developing networking and advocacy activities.

First IDPC drug policy Seminar in the Middle East and North Africa

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
2 January 2011 - 3 January 2011
The seminar will aim to examine the current state of drug policies in the region, identify key areas for discussion and improvement, and agree on a method of working together to developing networking and advocacy activities.