Ruby Hall, Safi Landmark Hotel, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
13 September 2011
In order to increase understanding, support and advocacy for OST among all relevant stakeholders, the Afghan Ministry of Public Health will organise a one day awareness workshop on Opioid Substitution Therapy on September 14th 2011 in Kabul.
This year, experts, activists and policy makers from Latin America will gather in Mexico to favour an informed debate on drug policy and generate a regional exchange of experience with the purpose of updating drug policy in the region.
In the framework of the III Latin American and I Mexican Drug Policy Conference, young people will organise a series of activities for other young people.
The conference will be a good opportunity to share the newest scientific information and experience on the current achievements and challenges that need to be addressed in the area of STIs and HIV/AIDS.
This Symposium aims to review and discuss priority actions for intensification of scale-up of recommended interventions to optimal levels in the priority countries and way forward for operationalisation of the global and regional strategies in Asia.
This session will examine how the current international drug control regime has impacted the overall drugs and HIV response, and discuss the recommendations of the Global Commission.
ICAAP promotes opportunities for greater regional collaboration, sharing of ideas amongst people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemics from across the Asia and the Pacific region and provides regional and national organisations, governments and individual stakeholders with space to enhance their mutual contributions in the response to HIV/AIDS.
Shangri-La Fijian Resort & Spa, Yanuca Island, Sigatoka, Fiji Islands
8 August 2011 - 10 August 2011
The Pacific Drug and Alcohol Research Network (PDARN) first met in 2005 in response to a lack of data describing drug and alcohol issues in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The next meeting will take place in the Fiji Islands from 9 to 11 August 2011.
This is a call for submissions to the Africa Regional dialogue which will take place on 3-4 August 2011 in Johannesburg, South Africa. In addition to giving a voice to regional and country perspectives on issues of HIV and the law, the dialogue aims to contribute to regional efforts for creating an enabling legal environment which supports effective HIV responses.
The Regional dialogue in MENA will take place in September 2011. The forum will provide a unique opportunity for civil society to engage directly with government officials, law experts, UN representatives and members of the Global Commission to discuss gaps and opportunities for changes in the law, practices of law enforcement, issues with legal aid and access to redress.
The Burnet Institute is proud to introduce Australia's exciting new Centre for Research Excellence into Injecting Drug Use. With an interactive format and exciting mix of Australian and international speakers, the Centre's inaugural annual Colloquium is designed to draw together researchers, affected communities, policy makers and practitioners to discuss research findings and their implications for policy and practice.
The Burnet Insitute is proud to introduce Australia's exciting new Centre For Research Excellence into Injecting Drug Use. The Centre's vision is to improve the health of people who inject drugs through the generation of new evidence and the develeopment of tools for translating research into policy and practice. The centre is funded by the NHMRC.