Conferencia europea de reducción de daños - 2020 [POSTERGADA]


Conferencia europea de reducción de daños - 2020 [POSTERGADA]

30 abril 2020

La 5ta Conferencia europea de reducción de daños busca evcaluar el impacto de la reducción de riesgos y de la política de drogas en las personas usuarias de drogas, trabajadorxs sexuales y personas que viven con VIH. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Harm reduction conferences have a long history in Europe, including Marseille 2011, Basel and Amsterdam in 2014 and Bucharest in 2018.

In 2020, the European harm reduction conference will be organised by the Correlation European Harm Reduction Network in close cooperation with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and the Czech organization Sananim.

The programme is under development in close cooperation with the European Network of People Who Use Drugs, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, the European Monitoring Centre Drugs and Drug Addiction and other important stakeholders from Europe.

Conference Motto
Harm Reduction @Work

innovation, community & political leadership

Target Groups
The European Harm Reduction Conference is aimed at professionals from the community, professionals working in the broader area of harm reduction, policy-makers and politicians, researchers and media representatives.

Aims of the Conference
The conference will present the latest harm reduction developments, innovative and good practices and will discuss drug policy and its implications on people who use drugs and other groups like sex worker and people living with HIV.

The meeting intends to broaden the view beyond harm reduction and to address related issues like social inclusion and homelessness.

Finally, the conference provides an appropriate platform to create links and synergies between national and European stakeholders.

Praga, República Checa
Inicio3 noviembre 2020
Finalizar5 noviembre 2020
