
Results 3649 to 3660 of 3838
25 September 2008

UNGASS News, Issue 3

The third of our regular "UNGASS News" updates, keeping the network up to speed with developments in the review process, reports on the Demand Reduction Expert Working Group and the 2008 Global ATS Report from UNODC.
25 September 2008

TNI Debate Paper Number 16 - Withdrawal Symptoms: Changes in the Southeast Asian Drugs Market

TNI have released a new report entitled "Withdrawal Symptoms: Changes in the Southeast Asian Drugs Market”. The studies findings are that the significant decline in opium production in Burma and Laos, which has been heralded as a major success for international drug control policy, is having a devastating effect on farmers and is triggering worrying consequences for drug users.
25 September 2008

IDPC Response to the UNODC 2008 World Drug Report

This IDPC response describes and critiques the positions taken in the Report, and attempts to articulate the nature of the future challenges faced by member states as they prepare for the review meeting in March 2009.
23 September 2008

The Evaluation of the 2005-2008 Action Plan

There have been two primary sources of information for the evaluation of progress against the set of objectives and actions listed in the action plan - the latest Annual Report of the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction..
23 September 2008

The European Commission New Draft Action Plan for 2009-2012

The European Commission has circulated a draft of the next action plan to member states for their comments This document is due to be debated by member states' representatives at two meetings of the Horizontal Working Group on Drugs (HDG) held, respectively, on 29 September, and 13/14 October 2008.