IHRA in conjunction with OSI have fed into the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ consideration of the State Report of Poland with a briefing to follow up on the mission to Poland of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health, Anand Grover.
The UN Human Rights Council adopted this resolution on access to medicines in the context of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health in September 2009.
The UN Human Rights Council adopted this resolution in September 2009 that recognises that a comprehensive package of services for injecting drug users is part of the right to health in the context of HIV prevention.
The International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA) has recently launched this new report which brings together and documents the highly publicised and well received keynote speeches by Professor Michel Kazatchkine and Craig McClure at the international harm reduction conference in Bangkok last April.
This survey conducted by the New Zealand Drug Foundation asseses knowledge, attitudes and behaviours around driving under the influence of psychoactive substances, including illicit drugs, prescription medicines, and alcohol in New Zealand.
This submission describes several key human rights priorities and provides recommendations for Kazakhstan’s Government to better respect, protect and fulfill human rights, consistent with its international obligations, in areas of particular relevance to an effective response to HIV.
Tensions are rising in Burma with respect to the cease-fire agreements with ethnic minority groups along the northern border. Cease-fire groups have put their armed forces on high alert. Ethnic conflict must be resolved in order to bring about a lasting political solution in Burma.
В настоящий момент Международный консорциум по наркополитике не имеет предпочтений в вопросе повторного назначения г-на Косты или выбора альтернативных кандидатов. Мы четко представляем себе ключевые вопросы наркополитики, с которыми столкнется УНП ООН в ближайшие годы, и собираемся предложить нашу поддержку любому кандидату, готовому серьезно воспринять эти вызовы и модернизировать повестку УНП ООН, чтобы она позволила обеспечить готовность организации к работе в условиях XXI века. Мы обнаружили шесть ключевых вызовов, с которыми столкнется будущий Исполнительный директор.
In this report, IDPC welcomes the improvements in the way UNODC have interpreted and presented data on global illicit drug markets but highlight concerns regarding the fractured discourse in drug policy clearly demonstrated by the arguments put forward in the UNODC's Executive Director's preface.