В настоящий момент Международный консорциум по наркополитике не имеет предпочтений в вопросе повторного назначения г-на Косты или выбора альтернативных кандидатов. Мы четко представляем себе ключевые вопросы наркополитики, с которыми столкнется УНП ООН в ближайшие годы, и собираемся предложить нашу поддержку любому кандидату, готовому серьезно воспринять эти вызовы и модернизировать повестку УНП ООН, чтобы она позволила обеспечить готовность организации к работе в условиях XXI века. Мы обнаружили шесть ключевых вызовов, с которыми столкнется будущий Исполнительный директор.
In this report, IDPC welcomes the improvements in the way UNODC have interpreted and presented data on global illicit drug markets but highlight concerns regarding the fractured discourse in drug policy clearly demonstrated by the arguments put forward in the UNODC's Executive Director's preface.
The findings from this report confirm that training of drug users constitutes a valuable resource in the management of opiate overdoses and growth of peer interventions that may not otherwise be recognised or addressed.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime released the results of its 2009 Afghan Opium Survey on September 2nd 2009 under the headline “Afghan Opium Market Plummets”.
This note highlights the most critical issues for the UNODC Executive Director to tackle over the next two years and offers the support of the Consortium to any candidate who takes these challenges seriously.
HCLU have produced a new short film on the dark side of Swedish drug policies, in which they mobilize people to urge the Swedish Minister of Public Health to introduce needle exchange to Stockholm.
This evaluation was commissioned by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in order to ‘measure the results achieved by Beyond 2008 in bringing NGO’s voice to the ten-year review of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Illicit Drugs (UNGASS).
The RIOTT (randomised injectable opioid therapy trial) project run by the Institute of Psychiatry in London presented an initial overview of its data at a conference this week. The trial compared treatments using optimised oral methadone, injectable methadone and injectable diamorphine
This Beckley Briefing compares the drug situation in a number of developed countries presenting data to stimulate further research and provide information for analysts and policy makers for more effective drug control.
TNI's article gives inputs for the Latin American drug policy reform debate by providing an overview of European drug policy practices regarding harm reduction, decriminalisation and tolerant approaches to cannabis.