
Results 3037 to 3048 of 3750
29 November 2011

Developing gender-sensitive approaches to HIV prevention among female injecting drug users

The project's goal was to implement the effective harm reduction services for female injecting drug users and improve the quality of female IDUs’ lives, as measured by their own reports. The International HIV/AIDS Alliance adopted an approach that recognized gender roles and gendered socialization in the drug using culture and in the society without reinforcing stereotypes about women or about female IDUs.
29 November 2011
Global SMART Programme 2011 Patterns and Trends of ATS and Other Drugs, Asia and the Pacific Report

Global SMART Programme 2011 Patterns and Trends of ATS and Other Drugs, Asia and the Pacific Report

East Asia and South-East Asia are major centres for the illicit manufacture of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS). There has been a significant expansion in the manufacture, trafficking and use of methamphetamines in the past five years. This, plus the increasing involvement of transnational organized criminal groups in the ATS drug trade pose a growing threat to security and public health in the region, warns a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
28 November 2011

Women who use drugs, HIV and harm reduction

This brief seeks to bring attention to policies, laws and practices that undermine the rights of women who use drugs, and to promote the realisation of their human rights in terms of an effective harm reduction response to HIV.
28 November 2011

Mulheres que usam drogas, VIH e Redução de Riscos

Este documento procura chamar a atenção para as políticas, leis e práticas que minam os direitos das mulheres que usam drogas e promover a concretização dos seus direitos humanos em termos de uma resposta efectiva de redução de riscos para o VIH.
22 November 2011

UNAIDS World Aids Day Report 2011

To reach targets and bring the end of AIDS in sight we must step on the accelerator. Joining with partners, UNAIDS has mapped a new framework for AIDS investments, focused on high-impact, high-value strategies.