The Japan’s approach to drug trafficking and consumption has, from its very outset, applied a stringent criminalization and punishment approach to even the smallest infractions.
This review examines and analyzes existing laws and policies which affect drug policy and harm reduction in the country as well as recent events and changes in policy which affect the drug policy and harm reduction movements in Thailand.
Fifty years after the formal establishment of the global narcotics control regime, 80% of the world’s population has little or no access to medicinal opioids for the relief of pain and suffering, and global problems related to addiction to narcotic drugs remain unsolved.
Trends and patterns of drug trafficking in the country demonstrate that there is a gradual shift from traditional/natural drugs towards synthetic drugs that are being trafficked.
The study examines the impact of the major trafficking flows of cocaine; women and children coerced into the sex trade; migrants smuggled for labour; and firearms.
The present study provides a comparison of patterns of cannabis use and self-reported cannabis market indicators from detainees surveyed in 2010 through the DUMA and ADAM II programs.