Women who inject drugs face multiple gender-specific health risks and barriers to healthcare access. These gendered factors may contribute to elevated rates of HIV for this population. Though few countries systematically collect gender-disaggregated data related to injecting drug use, evidence indicates that there are large populations of women who inject drugs and who are in need of improved health services, including HIV prevention.
The significant number of problem drug users who have accessed European drug treatment services in recent years reflects an important step towards integration
In this report, the UK Drug Policy Commission identifies a fresh approach to drug policy, with both a recasting of how it structures its response to drug problems, and an analysis of the evidence for how policies and interventions could be improved.
Reports of torture and ill-treatment have risen sharply in Mexico during the militarized campaign of President Calderon’s administration to combat organized crime.
Цель данного обзорного документа – обзор последних свидетельств институционализации полицейского насилия в отношении потребителей наркотиков в регионе и влияние этих мер на общественное здравоохранение и общество в целом. Этот обзор основан на данных, полученных по нескольким странам Евразии и отражающих случаи полицейского произвола против потребителей наркотиков, свидетельствующие о систематическом характере этих процессов в регионе.
This IDPC Advocacy Note offers a set of recommendations based on global evidence to guide policy makers in adopting the new AU Plan of Action on Drug Control.
To reduce the transmission of hepatitis C it is crucial that Directors of Public Health are aware of the importance of screening programmes and education.
This systematic review was carried out to quantify the association between opiate substitution treatment and risk of HIV transmission among people who inject drugs.
Entitled Users’ voices, the paper illustrates how qualitative research can provide glimpses into the experiences and perceptions of substance users that statistics alone cannot provide.
This paper concludes that the Thai government has yet to develop a coherent policy based on harm reduction, to reduce such dangerously high prevalence of blood borne pathogens.
A report released by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre reveals that a total of 500 Australians aged 15-54 died due to accidental opioid overdoses in 2008 – the latest year for which final figures are available.