On 12 December 2012, the European Council of Heads of State adopted its new EU Drug strategy 2013-2020. In its strategy, the EU foresees to support third countries by ensuring policy dialogues, promoting human rights and providing funding and expertise.
This Thematic paper presents the key findings of the European Union’s research project on Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines, known as the DRUID project.
This is the first set of national profiles that the EMCDDA has produced on drug-related public expenditure, with public expenditure provided by the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, Turkey and Norway.
The principal motivation for implementing this survey was the lack of existing information regarding the relationship between drug users and their social networks.
The continuum of response to HIV/AIDS is a essential framework for service development for countries that address HIV/AIDS among people who inject drugs.
This paper describes the achievements of the MMT pilot program and the scaling-up plan and strategies to ensure quality and sustainability and to overcome the challenges in the coming years.
With limited additional resources, peer-led brief interventions (SBI) for alcohol and other drug (AOD) use are feasible to conduct in South African emergency services and are acceptable to patients and emergency personnel.
This study evaluates the quality and effectiveness of the medication-assisted therapy (MAT) pilot in Kazakhstan and review implementation context and related challenges.
Incorporating harm reduction practices, values and supportive guidelines in social work will reduce the negative health and social burdens on people who use drugs.