This paper describes the implementation of a wide array of harm reduction interventions including medication-assisted treatment, needle and syringe programs and “sober houses” for residential treatment in Tanzania.
This briefing paper reviews current policies and practices that have been implemented in response to the use of controlled drugs in Indonesia, and highlights some of the key challenges and issues that remain.
Exposure to compulsory drug detention was associated with avoiding healthcare among Thai IDU, suggesting that this system of detention may be contributing to the burden of preventable morbidity among IDU in this setting. Although further research is needed to confirm these findings, the results of this study reinforce previous calls to replace the system of compulsory drug detention with evidence-based public health interventions for IDU.
Read here the full publication (restricted access)
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This advocacy note informed the discussions of the seminar organised in New York for diplomats and UN officials on reform processes from around the world.
The signing of the framework agreement marked significant progress in U.S.-‐Bolivian bilateral relations. Both governments should build on that success by using the accord as a venue to discuss areas of concern, friction, and consensus.
On November 20-22, 2012, in Ukraine, EHRN conducted a regional seminar “Getting involved with the Global Fund: how to address community systems and TB counteraction challenges in Eurasia”.
This paper reports on the experiences of service users receiving methadone treatment in urban general practice in Dublin and in so doing highlights the influence of the GP in supporting recovery.
In Russia there is an urgent need for systemic and structural changes to improve access to ART for PWID, including to simplify bureaucratic procedures; foster integrated HIV, TB and drug treatment services, and advocate for drug treatment policy reform.