Publications from IDPC Members

Results 829 to 840 of 1047
9 February 2012
Sistemas Superlotados: As Leis de Drogas e Cárceres na América Latina

Sistemas Superlotados: As Leis de Drogas e Cárceres na América Latina

Este estudo comparativo sem precedentes sobre o impacto das leis de drogas e os sistemas prisionais em oitos países da América Latina – Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, México, Peru e Uruguai – revela que as leis de droga contribuíram às crises de prisão nestes países.
25 January 2012

Policy recommendations for vulnerable populations

Service providers and community leaders from across Europe have developed policy recommendations to inform policy making in Europe, both at national level and at EU level, with a view to reducing existing HIV/AIDS-related health inequalities.
24 January 2012

Recomendações políticas para populações vulneráveis

Sabe-se que a prevalência do VIH/SIDA e outras infecções transmitidas pelo sangue é alta nas populações vulneráveis. Existem preocupações acerca de um ressurgimento da epidemia do VIH concentrada em populações chave na União Europeia (UE) e nos países do Espaço Europeu de Comércio Livre (EFTA).
24 January 2012

TNI/IDPC Expert Seminar on Herbal Stimulants and Legal Highs

A grey area has emerged between what is legal and what is not as states struggle with how to respond to the many new synthetic compounds emerging onto the market. The Expert Seminar on Herbal Stimulants and Legal highs was an initiative of the Transnational Institute ('TNI') working together with the International Drug Policy Consortium ('IDPC') and funded by the European Commission and the Open Society Institute. The Seminar took place in Amsterdam on 30-31st October 2011.