This is a year-long study of the current security situation on the U.S.-Mexico border and the impact of both countries' security policies on the migrant population.
In this paper, the Uruguayan Special Ambassador for Drug Policy and Human Rights, Milton Romani, lays out the range of issues to be addressed as part of a serious, democratic debate over drug policy.
The last of the series of Correlation Conferences, entitled ‘Getting out of the margins – Changing realities and making the difference’, took place from 12th to 14th December 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This report is an account of the discussions that took place during the final session of the Conference, ‘Drug policy reform – From evidence to practice’.
Nos últimos anos temos visto uma crescente falta de vontade em cada vez mais estados-membros em aderir completamente a uma leitura estritamente proibicionista das convenções de controlo de drogas da ONU.
Este relatório realça as obrigações legais internacionais de controlo de drogas, o espaço de manobra que o regime permite aos decisores políticos nacionais e os limites claros de latitude que não podem ser ultrapassados sem se violarem tratados.
Recent years have seen a growing unwillingness among increasing numbers of States parties to fully adhere to a strictly prohibitionist reading of the UN drug control conventions. Such behaviour has been driven by a belief that non-punitive and pragmatic health oriented domestic policy approaches that are in line with fundamental human rights standards better address the complexities surrounding illicit drug use than the zero-tolerance approach privileged by the present international treaties.
This briefing paper outlines the international legal drug control obligations, the room for manoeuvre the regime leaves open to national policy makers and the clear limits of latitude that cannot be crossed without violating the treaties.
A paz não é vista apenas como um assunto que somente envolve o governo e os grupos étnicos armados da oposição. Em vez disso, para a verdadeira paz étnica ser alcançada, é essências que a paz seja abordada numa forma muito mais ampla enquanto assunto urgente que preocupa todos os cidadãos.
O programa chinês de substituição da colheita de ópio tem muito pouco a ver com a disponibilização de mecanismos para decrescer a dependência do cultivo da papoila ou com o fornecimento de meios de subsistência alternativos para os antigos produtores de papoila. Financiar a expropriação não é desenvolvimento.
Peace is not just seen as a matter that solely involves the government and ethnic armed opposition groups. Instead, for real ethnic peace to be achieved, it is essential that peace is addressed in a much broader way as an urgent matter that concerns all citizens.
The vast majority of the opium and heroin on the Chinese market originates from northern Burma. Apart from attempting to address domestic consumption problems, the Chinese government has also created a poppy substitution development programme, and has been actively promoting Chinese companies to take part, offering subsidies, tax waivers, and import quotas for Chinese companies.
In October 2010, the Harm Reduction Coalition, a national advocacy and capacity-building organization, surveyed 50 programmes known to distribute naloxone in the United States, to collect data on local programme locations, naloxone distribution, and overdose reversals.