Publications from IDPC Members

Results 805 to 816 of 1047
10 June 2012
10-Point plan to address prison overcrowding

10-Point plan to address prison overcrowding

This 10-point plan by Penal Reform International aims to assist policy makers and practitioners who wish to tackle overcrowding in a systematic and affordable way, building on relevant international instruments.
1 June 2012

3° Libro bianco sulla legge FIni-Giovanardi

Ecco la terza edizione del Libro Bianco di illustrazione e commento dei dati sulle conseguenze penali e sulle sanzioni amministrative della Legge Fini-Giovanardi sulle droghe.
30 May 2012
HCLU Film Portfolio 2011

HCLU Film Portfolio 2011

The HCLU produced 140 online videos in 2011. Each year they make a picture illustrated interactive portfolio which explains their activities and briefly introduces the films. We proudly present the 2011 issue.
7 May 2012
HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: Don’t stop now!

HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: Don’t stop now!

The report includes a set of recommendations, most prominent of which is a call to the Global Fund to ensure that it continues to support HIV and harm reduction programmes, so that global commitments to reduce HIV transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs by 50% by 2015 can be met.