
Results 5089 to 5100 of 5156
14 December 2009

International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy launched

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy was lauched on Human Rights Day 2009 (10th December). The Centre is dedicated to developing and promoting innovative and high quality legal and human rights scholarship on issues related to drug laws, policy and enforcement.
1 December 2009

Call for papers: Children of the Drug War

A call for papers that bring the experiences of children and young people of the drug war. The editor is looking for original, well-written and engaging essays. They may be based on existing research, interviews, personal experiences or they may be more narrative or journalistic in style. The deadline for proposals is Friday 29th January 2010.
24 November 2009

First MENAHRA Regional Conference is a success

The First Regional Harm Reduction Conference of the Middle East and North Africa region was a great success. The event hosted by Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA) took place in Beirut from the 16th to the 18th November 2009.
23 November 2009

Harm reduction advocates express concern at UNAIDS Executive Director's speech

Harm reduction, human rights and drug user advocacy groups have sent a letter to UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe expressing their strong concern about his speech at the opening plenary of the Eastern European and Central Asian AIDS Conference. Mr Sidibe has responded reaffirming UNAIDS support for comprehensive harm reduction and decriminalisation of people who use drugs.
23 October 2009

Launch of ‘After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation’

Transform Drug Policy Foundation are to launch their internationally groundbreaking book, ‘After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation’ on 12th November 2009 in London, UK and Albuquerque,New Mexico. The book is also being launched in mainland Europe, South America, Australasia and Asia.
23 October 2009

Indonesia adopts new repressive narcotics law

Indonesia has adopted a new narcotics law that once again clearly prioritises a law enforcement approach over public health and human rights considerations. The law has been criticised by HIV/AIDS, harm reduction and rights-focused NGOs for being seriously flawed in its construction and disproportionately severe in its implementation.