
Results 5101 to 5112 of 5158
23 October 2009

US and Bolivia - Déjà Vu All Over Again: "Decertification" Memorandum of Justification inaccurate and misleading

On September 15, the Obama administration submitted the Memorandum of Justification explaining their decision to name Bolivia as a country that "failed demonstrably... to adhere to their obligations under international counternarcotics agreements" for the second year in a row. Once again the determination presents inaccurate, poorly prepared information, further complicated by confusing language.
23 October 2009

Protest against overcrowding in Italian prisons

Italian prisons are severely overcrowded. A document endorsed by major organizations urges the Government to implement treatment alternatives to imprisonment for drug addicts.
23 October 2009

3rd UNAIDS Asia Pacific Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting

Approximately 100 participants from across Asia and the Pacific met in Bangkok from 28 September to 2 October to take part in the third UNAIDS Asia Pacific M&E meeting. Participants were invited to discuss preparations for the upcoming UNGASS on HIV as well as how to strengthen M&E among key affected populations, including injecting drug users.
7 October 2009

UN Human Rights Council endorses harm reduction and access to essential medicines

The UN Human Rights Council, the highest political body in the UN dealing specifically with human rights, has adopted two resolutions of considerable importance to harm reduction – HIV/AIDS and human rights, and access to essential medicines. These resolutions recognise that harm reduction is a part of a rights based response to HIV/AIDS and that access to essential medicines is a component of the right to the highest attainable standard of health. This puts the Council in line with ECOSOC and the General Assembly and highlights again the isolationism of the CND on these critical issues.
19 September 2009

Indonesian human rights group call for non-discrimination of people living with HIV

In Indonesia, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) have for too long stigmatized and discriminated for their illness. The Indonesian National AIDS Commission (KPAN) has to play a more active role in ensuring that not just AIDS is reduced, but beyond that that PLHAs will no longer be stigmatized and discriminated against.
19 September 2009

Asia Pacific plans for UNGASS on HIV

Civil society in Asia Pacific are mobilising early for next year's UNGASS on HIV. There will be some linkages between the recent UNGASS on drugs and this upcoming UNGASS on HIV.