
Results 5065 to 5076 of 5157
23 February 2010

New Zealand's Law Commission - Controlling and regulating drugs

The most significant review of New Zealand's drug law has begun. An independent law advisory body, the Law Commission, has released its issues paper - Controlling and Regulating Drugs - for public consultation until 30 April 2010. Their paper traces the history of drug policy and regulation in New Zealand, and reviews the current approach to drug control and regulation. It makes some preliminary proposals for how New Zealand’s drug laws can be updated to put in place a modern and evidence-based statute. The Commission said of current drug law: “no longer provides a coherent and effective legislative framework for responding to the misuse of psychoactive drugs… The Act is now outdated and does not reflect current knowledge and understanding about drug use and related health, social and economic harms.”
23 February 2010

Staying Alive Foundation Call for Proposals

The Staying Alive Foundation is pleased to announce its first call for proposals for 2010. The Foundation aims to empower young people who want to make a difference in their communities and is looking for youth-led organisations that can raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and have received little or no previous funding. The Foundation's grants are a maximum of US$12,000. The deadline to apply for the first stage is 12 March, and grants will be announced on 1 June.
23 February 2010

New Possibilities - Energize DPA’s Biennial Reform Conference

From November 12-14, over 1,000 participants came together at the 2009 International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was the Reform Conference’s strongest, most diverse gathering of people, issues, co-hosts, and partner organizations yet. The conference focused on the rapidly changing political climate and forward-thinking issues, such as systems for marijuana regulation, supervised injection sites in the U.S., and shifting drug use from a criminal justice to a health issue. The conference reflected the diversity of our growing movement, with the largest contingent ever from outside the U.S. - more than 150 international participants representing 33 countries. Mark your calendar! The next Reform Conference will be at the Westing Bonaventure in downtown Los Angeles from November 2 to 5 2011.
23 February 2010

We would like to hear from you! - UNAIDS NGO Delegation Survey

Each year, the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS governing body (called the Programme Coordinating Board or PCB) submits a report to the Board. This is an important opportunity to present the unique perspectives of civil society on the developments and issues around the AIDS pandemic. Broad input from civil society informs the NGO report, particularly regarding key issues on the agenda, but also regarding persistent or emerging issues “on the ground.” The NGO Delegation would like to get your input as it writes this report. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous questionnaire, available at:
23 February 2010

First Romanian debate on drug classification and drug related crimes

The President of the Romanian Deputy Chamber has launched an invitation to civil society representatives to participate in the first debate on changing the Romanian law on drugs. The Deputy Chamber is proposing discussions on differentiating penalties for illicit possession of drugs for personal use; a periodic review of drug classification lists; and a review of legislation regarding drug policy coordination.
12 February 2010

Call for nominations: 2010 Red Ribbon Awards

The deadline for submitting nominations for the 2010 Red Ribbon Award is February 28th. We strongly encourage you to nominate your colleagues of excellence for the award, as this would present an excellent opportunity to give prominence to drug policy issues at the International AIDS Conference.
12 February 2010

Canadian federal government goes to the Supreme Court to shut down Vancouver's safe-injection site

Last month's decision by the British Columbia appeals court to allow North America’s only safe-injection site to stay open will be taken to the Supreme Court of Canada. The Insite facility that provides a space for drug users to safely inject themselves has caused tension between the local government and the Conservative federal government. The previous liberal government had granted the site exemption from federal drug laws but now the current government wants to shut the site down.
27 January 2010

Response Beyond Borders - Asian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Harm Reduction created

This committee set up the RBB Asian consultation meeting in Bangkok in January 2010 will focus on advocacy with other MPs, on effective policy and legislative changes as well as providing a mechanism for dialogue with communities of people who use drugs and people living with HIV. The Committee was formed with support from RBB and the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development.
25 January 2010

Safe Games 2010: Vancouver, Canada

SafeGames 2010 (, a consortium of local, national, and international harm-reduction and advocacy organisations, is working to ensure that Vancouver residents and international visitors celebrate safely during the upcoming Winter Olympics.
25 January 2010

Canadian appellate court upholds ruling in favour of Vancouver's supervised injection facility

The British Columbia Court of Appeal in Canada has upheld a lower court ruling from last year that granted Vancouver’s supervised injection facility an ongoing exemption from certain provisions of Canada’s drug laws (prohibiting possession and trafficking of controlled substances) and that also declared those provisions of Canada’s law constitutionally invalid insofar as they apply to the users and site operators of Insite.
25 January 2010

Call for nominations for the 2010 Red Ribbon Award

The call for nominations for the 2010 Red Ribbon Award is now open. As in the past, the award honors and recognizes exceptional grassroots leadership in responding to the AIDS epidemic. Nominations are accepted from December 1st, 2009 until February 28th, 2010.