
Results 4525 to 4536 of 5158
15 April 2012

Colombia calls for global drugs taskforce

The government of Colombia pushed on Saturday for the most far-reaching change to policy on drugs since US president Richard Nixon declared war on narcotics four decades ago.
15 April 2012

Shortage of Methadone in Albania

Aksion plus sounds the alarm bell about running out of their methadone stock because of delays of the next shipment procurement from USA.
11 April 2012

Revisão da atual política de drogas é uma prioridade para reduzir a violência contra as mulheres nas Américas

Como tem sido amplamente documentado, a violência contra as mulheres em nossos países, enraizada no sexismo e na discriminação estrutural, é aumentada pelo contexto de violência armada da região, o qual, por sua vez, está diretamente relacionado ao tráfico de drogas. Então, o combate ao aumento da violência contra as mulheres exige uma revisão urgente das políticas que proíbem o comércio de drogas.
10 April 2012

Health and crime risks to increase as UK government puts us on its “Road To Recovery”

‘Putting Full Recovery First’ is the Government’s “Road Map to Recovery” published on behalf of the Inter Ministerial Group on Drugs by The Home Office at the end of March 2012. While The Alliance welcomes government intentions to describe its approach to meeting the challenges of drug and alcohol and the joint consideration of alcohol and drugs in the document, we believe “Putting Full Recovery First” is problematic.