
Calling all doctors to advocate for healthy drug policies

11 December 2012

IDHDP is a global network which aims to mobilize the voice of doctors in drug policy reforms and to maximize their impact on policies of national governments and international agencies with regard to the way people who use drugs are treated.

In most countries there is a gap between drug policies and evidence-based clinical practice. We advocate building a bridge from practice to policy by:

  • Promoting the treatment of people who use drugs problematically with respect and evidence-based treatment
  • Promoting harm reduction and policies based on health, science, human rights and compassion
  • Preventing the spread of HIV, HCV and other blood borne diseases and fatal overdoses by providing sterile needles and syringes, opioid substitution treatment, overdose prevention and training in naloxone, condoms and safer injecting facilities to all who need and want them
  • Using our knowledge of what works in clinical practice to influence or change drug policies.

We think the doctors’ voice has been lacking in the debate for too long and believe doctors are in a particularly strong position to advocate for much-needed change.

This is why we are calling all doctors to join other medical doctors from over 50 countries to advocate for healthy drug policies. For more information, and to register for free visit the website:

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