Penal Reform International

IDPC Member

Penal Reform International

Penal Reform International (PRI) is an independent non-governmental organisation that develops and promotes fair, effective and proportionate responses to criminal justice problems worldwide. We believe that in criminal justice systems that are fit for purpose: offenders are held to account, sentences are proportionate, and the primary purpose of prison is rehabilitation not retribution.

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11 September 2024
Global Prison Trends 2024

Global Prison Trends 2024

PRI offers analysis of global challenges, including overcrowding, mental health issues, corruption, and the growing use of digital technologies, whilst also showcasing innovative solutions toward reform.
3 July 2023
Global Prison Trends 2023

Global Prison Trends 2023

PRI and TIJ provide an overview and highlight how the criminalisation of drugs remains a key contributing factor to the rising global prison population and prison overcrowding.
9 February 2022
10-Point Plan: Crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

10-Point Plan: Crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

PRI has developed the 10-point plan as a tool to provide practitioners and policy makers guidance on building and strengthening services that are flexible, non-discriminatory and better able to respond to and adapt in the face of crises.
Crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

Crisis-ready non-custodial sanctions and measures

20 January 2022 - 13 January 2022
On 20 January 2022, PRI will hold an online event to launch the new 10-point plan, discuss key findings from the conducted research and hear about the experience of non-custodial sanctions during the ongoing pandemic from varied perspectives.