Past Events

Results 925 to 936 of 1429
Health responses to new psychoactive substances

Health responses to new psychoactive substances

Lisbon, Portugal
27 October 2015 - 28 October 2015
This EMCDDA meeting brings together European health professionals and researchers to explore the challenges, needs and best practice around responding to NPS in a variety of health and intervention settings
24th International Harm Reduction Conference

24th International Harm Reduction Conference

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17 October 2015 - 20 October 2015
The conference is the global focal point for knowledge sharing, networking and promoting evidence-based best practice in the field of harm reduction.


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17 October 2015 - 20 October 2015
IDPC workshop - Drug policy advocacy in Asia: Aiming for UNGASS 2016

IDPC workshop - Drug policy advocacy in Asia: Aiming for UNGASS 2016

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
15 October 2015 - 16 October 2015
IDPC will organise a workshop at the margins of the International Harm Reduction Conference to support NGOs to engage in global drug policy debates in the lead up to the UNGASS. More information will be sent soon on how to apply!
8th European Public Health Conference

8th European Public Health Conference

Milan, Italy
13 October 2015 - 16 October 2015
The conference contributes to the improvement of public health in Europe by exchanging information and creating a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health.
Human Rights and Drug Policy in East Asia

Human Rights and Drug Policy in East Asia

Hong Kong
11 October 2015 - 16 October 2015
In preparation for the UNGASS meeting, this workshop will examine the connection between drug policy, human rights, and public health in Hong Kong.