Past Events

Results 589 to 600 of 1428
 VNGOC Meeting

VNGOC Meeting

Vienna, Austria
26 June 2018
Dear Members, The VNGOC will also hold an informal Membership meeting on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 from 1 pm to 3 pm (Vienna time) at the Vienna International Centre, Room C0237, 2nd floor, C-Building The draft agenda can be found on our website. We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible at the meeting. For those of you who can not attend in person, there will also be the possibility to participate online. If you want to attend online please send a short email to containing your name and your organisations name. We will share the sign-up link for the conference system a couple of days before the meeting. Best regards from Vienna!
Launch of the 2018 World Drug Report

Launch of the 2018 World Drug Report

New York, New York USA
26 June 2018
The 2018 World Drug Report will be presented in New York City on June 26th with a presentation and discussion to follow.
European Drugs Summer School

European Drugs Summer School

Lisbon, Portugal
24 June 2018 - 5 July 2018
This two-week summer school prepares professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that face Europe in the field of drugs.
CND Intersessional meeting

CND Intersessional meeting

Vienna, Austria
24 June 2018
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) will hold an intersessional meeting on 25 June 2018.
Reimagining Drug Policy Through Artistic Expression

Reimagining Drug Policy Through Artistic Expression

New York, New York USA
24 June 2018
On June 25th, Open Society Foundations will be hosting an event to show support for the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking through an artistic platform that illuminates the effects of drug policies on communities all across the world.
'How do we talk about drug use?'  Challenging stigma and improving public understanding

'How do we talk about drug use?' Challenging stigma and improving public understanding

Glasgow, United Kingdom
18 June 2018
This event will consider whether stigma is due to misrepresentation - that leads to public misunderstanding of drug use - and whether changing public opinions can lead to the development of improvements in the lives of people who use drugs and in the development of better services for people with a drug problem.
Global prison trends 2018: Expert panel event

Global prison trends 2018: Expert panel event

London, United Kingdom
11 June 2018
To mark the launch of Global Prison Trends 2018, the fourth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series, PRI will be hosting an Expert Panel and Reception on Tuesday 12 June at Linklaters LLP in London. This event will offer insights into the most urgent and emerging issues facing criminal justice systems worldwide. Global Prison Trends 2018 will be presented by Olivia Rope, PRI’s Policy and Programme Manager, and copies will be available. The report covers key trends including on prison management and prison populations, filling a gap in analysis in this area. 4.30–5.45pm: Panel Moderator: Alison Hannah, Executive Director, Penal Reform International Introductory remarks: Representative of Linklaters LLP Global Prison Trends 2018: Olivia Rope, Policy and Programme Manager, Penal Reform International (PRI) The rise of drugs and violence in prisons: Marie Nougier, Head of Research and Communications, International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) The rise of female prison populations: Holly Tuckwood, Legal Fellow, AdvocAid, Sierra Leone The rise of life imprisonment: Professor Dirk van Zyl Smit, Professor of Comparative and International Penal Law at the University of Nottingham 5.45–7.00pm: Join us for a drinks reception, thanks to the generosity of Linklaters LLP