Past Events

Results 553 to 564 of 1428
How can global health move beyond the war on drugs?

How can global health move beyond the war on drugs?

London, United Kingdom
29 October 2018
In this Global Health Lab, we will debate how best should the global health community move beyond the war on drugs to effectively respond to this increasingly complex issue.
7th Asia Pro Bono Conference

7th Asia Pro Bono Conference

Hong Kong
24 October 2018 - 26 October 2018
The 7th Asia Pro Bono Conference will take place between 25-27 October 2018.
Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Lisbon, Portugal
23 October 2018 - 25 October 2018
Keynote speakers will explore some of the big questions in implementation and translational science, as well as providing focus on those strategies that have been successful in bringing together different members of the prevention community.
4th CND Intersessional Meeting

4th CND Intersessional Meeting

Vienna, Austria
21 October 2018 - 24 October 2018
The 4th CND Intersessional Meeting will take place from October 22nd-25th in Vienna and will discuss an array of issues relating to drug policy and cooperation within the international community.