Past Events

Results 565 to 576 of 1459
CND reconvened 61st session

CND reconvened 61st session

Vienna, Austria
4 December 2018 - 6 December 2018
The CND reconvened 61th session will take place on 5-7th December. More information will soon be available.
2019: Taking stock, looking forward - IDPC webinar

2019: Taking stock, looking forward - IDPC webinar

London, United Kingdom
29 November 2018 - 29 November 2018
2019: Taking Stock, Looking Forward will discuss the state of play of Vienna discussions, discuss the key findings of IDPC's landmark report and provide practical ideas on how to utilise the report for national advocacy, in particular in view of the 2019 target date.
Breaking Good - how to end the war on drugs

Breaking Good - how to end the war on drugs

New York City, United States
28 November 2018
This talk examines international perspectives, experiences, and approaches in realizing the drug reform goals in Ecuador, Ghana, The United Kingdom, and The United States.
European Testing Week 2018

European Testing Week 2018

22 November 2018 - 29 November 2018
Six years since its launch, the European testing week campaign is aiming to raise awareness for HIV and hepatitis, and ultimately reducing late diagnosis.
Understanding the Gendered Impacts of Drug Policy

Understanding the Gendered Impacts of Drug Policy

Budapest, Hungary
19 November 2018 - 23 November 2018
The Central European University will be hosting a course on gender and its impact on drug policy after the release of the 2018 World Drug Report and is also offering a select number of scholarships to attend.
Beyond the paradox - NIGHTS conference 2018

Beyond the paradox - NIGHTS conference 2018

Brussels, Belgium
14 November 2018 - 16 November 2018
The 4th international conference on night time economy, culture, urban development and health issues will be held in Brussels in November 2018.
SSDP European Regional Conference

SSDP European Regional Conference

Vienna, Austria
9 November 2018
The two-day conference will strengthen our community of activists, advocates, and young people in Europe working on drug policy and intersecting issues.