Past Events

Results 373 to 384 of 1463
3rd CND intersessional meeting 2020

3rd CND intersessional meeting 2020

Board-Room C, Vienna International Centre, Austria
19 October 2020 - 20 October 2020
The meetings aim to discuss the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, following-up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration.
Video advocacy for drug policy reform

Video advocacy for drug policy reform

8 October 2020
The Rights Reporter Foundation team will share insights into using video to document, educate and advocate for drug policy reform.
2nd CND intersessional meeting

2nd CND intersessional meeting

Vienna, Austria
7 October 2020
The 2nd CND intersessional meeting for the 63rd session will be held on 8 October at the Vienna International Centre.
Corporate capture and the legal regulation of drugs

Corporate capture and the legal regulation of drugs

7 October 2020 - 7 October 2020
A World with Drugs explores how legal regulation can prevent the perpetuation of neoliberal colonialist policy and exploitation of the Global South, particularly for marginalised small actors.
Access to controlled medicines in Africa

Access to controlled medicines in Africa

Online webinar
29 September 2020 - 29 September 2020
Panelists will discuss and deliver recommendations on how balanced, optimised drug policies can help mitigating the pain medicine crisis on the continent.