Past Events
Results 1417 to 1428 of 1464
Next steps for the IDPC South East Europe NGO Network Working Group
Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
27 September 2010 - 28 September 2010
Providing a scientific basis for managing illegal drug problems
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
22 September 2010
Correlation Seminar - Building capacities on HCV: A training for trainers
Budapest, Hungary
21 September 2010 - 23 September 2010
Advanced seminar on amphetamine use for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Prague, Czech Republic
31 August 2010 - 2 September 2010
Second Latin American Conference on Drug Policy
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
25 August 2010 - 26 August 2010
'Rights Here, Right Now': XVIII International AIDS Conference
Vienna, Austria
17 July 2010 - 22 July 2010