Past Events

Results 1405 to 1416 of 1424

Drugs and harm: a new agenda for a new government?

Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK
26 January 2010 - 28 January 2010
Aimed at policy-makers, drug agencies, charities, academics, lawyers, and members of the police, this conference will examine the current drugs control system, its effectiveness, and potential improvements in the UK.

TNI / APF 7th Informal Drug Policy Dialogue

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
9 December 2009 - 11 December 2009
TNI and APF will host the 7th Informal Drug Policy Dialogue, which will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

First Caribbean Drug Policy Forum

Kingston, Jamaica
1 November 2009 - 2 November 2009
This first event of its kind in the Caribbean will be hosted by the Caribbean Drug & Alcohol Research Institute and will bring together academics, policy makers, law enforcement and activists.

Justice Health in Australia Conference

5 April 2009 - 6 April 2009
The diversity of incarcerated populations, including adult prisons, youth detention centres and police watch houses give rise to special challenges in addressing the health needs among these incarcerated groups.