HRI and DPA extend an invitation to a launch webinar showcasing their recent report, which analyses harms caused by US international drug control spending.
This event launches a publication identifying good practices in relation to the needs of women and gender diverse people, and access to responsive harm reduction services.
Stenström et al. evaluate the criminalization of drugs in Sweden—showing that it has not reduced problematic drug use or drug-related deaths and is, instead, expensive, ineffective and harmful.
WHRIN and Talking Drugs highlight the importance of gender-specific ketamine harm reduction, calling for development of tailored services, collaboration with support programs for women and gender-diverse people and further research into ketamine's varied effects.
Vienna International Centre, Board room D & Online
26 June 2024
To mark World Drug Day 2024, join the CND at a special event to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as well as the launch of the 2024 World Drug Report.
The EMCDDA reports on high availability and potency of substances, increasingly sophisticated supply infrastructures and the involvement and exploitation of people in situations of vulnerability in informal markets.
TEDI find consistent adulteration and risk trends across Europe's drug market since 2018, and call for more resources to improve market monitoring and harm reduction.
AIDS 2024 will convene thousands of people living with, affected by and working on HIV to share knowledge, best practices and lessons from the HIV response.