A World of Harm: How US taxpayers fund the global war on drugs over evidence-based health responses


A World of Harm: How US taxpayers fund the global war on drugs over evidence-based health responses

28 November 2024
Harm Reduction International (HRI)

Harm Reduction International (HRI) and Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) are holding a virtual launch of their recent report, through a webinar titled “A World of Harm: How US taxpayers fund the global war on drugs over evidence-based health responses". The webinar will take place on December 4, 2024; 3-4:30pm London time/10-11:30 EAT.

To register for the webinar, click here!

HRI & DPA convened the study to investigate on the US funding on global war on drugs. This report aims to:

  • Demonstrate how US assistance has supported and expanded destructive and deadly anti-drug responses in low- and middle-income countries around the world.
  • Present new follow-the-money data analysis on US international drug control spending by various government departments and budgets – including official development assistance (ODA) intended to support poverty reduction and other global development goals.
  • Showcase three case studies – Colombia, Mexico and Philippines –to reveal the damage done by this spending.

The launch will be chaired by Colleen Daniels, Deputy Director- HRI; and other key speakers include Kassandra Frederique, Executive Director- DPA; Claire Provost, the consultant and country representatives from Colombia, Mexico and Philippines.

Start4 December 2024
End4 December 2024
