
Results 3817 to 3828 of 3838
1 January 2004

Fact sheet: Supply, demand & harm reduction

The emergence of HIV/AIDS, and its rapid spread among injecting drug users (IDUs), meant that effective strategies had to be developed and adopted – these effective strategies form the harm reduction approach. Harm reduction can co-exist with supply and demand reduction but its focus is on public health rather than law and order.
1 January 2003

Executive Summary: Synthetic drug trafficking

Executive summary of "Synthetic drug trafficking in three European cities: major trends and involvement of organised crime", the product of a TNI-Gruppo Abele-UNICRI partnership.
30 June 2002

The economic and social costs of Class A drug use in England and Wales, 2000

This research study provides estimates of the economic and social costs of Class A drug use in England and Wales for the year 2000. The methodology used to estimate costs will also enable future simulations of the relationship between various streams of government proactive and reactive expenditure.