
Results 3709 to 3720 of 3838
7 October 2007

Why it's time to legalize drugs?

Article by Ethan_Nadelmann, Foreign Policy, September/October 2007 IssueThe "war" on drugs cannot be won. But the United States continues to insist on failed prohibitionist policies that enrich international drug cartels, fuel narcoviolence, and do unnecessary harm to users, says Ethan_Nadelmann in the current issue of FOREIGN POLICY magazine. In the September/October cover story, he says that it's time to end prohibition.
7 October 2007

IDPC Advocacy Guide, Version 1

The first version of this guide has been posted on the IDPC website. It serves as an introduction to the structure and operation of the UN drug control system, and describes the forthcoming process of review leading to the political meeting in 2009.
1 August 2007

IDPC Briefing Paper Number 6 - The World Drug Report 2007

This IDPC Briefing reviews the data in the latest report from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime on the state of the global market, criticises the claims made in the report that international action is successfully controlling the market, and questions the political objectivity of the UNODC as we approach the review of the global objectives set in 1998.
1 August 2007

Policing Harm

This article by Jamie Bridge describes the impact that policing practice can have on harm reduction approaches - as well as the efforts that have been made to engage law enforcement personnel in harm reduction interventions and training.
1 August 2007

The Ultimate Price

This article by Rick Lines describes the global situation regarding the death penalty for drug-related offences.