On the initiative of the UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation, the PCB adopted a decision requesting United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), as one of the UNAIDS Cosponsors, to work towards an outcome of the UNGASS 2009 review of the World Drug Problem that accurately reflects the importance of decreasing HIV transmission and co-infection among people who use drugs.
The sixth of the IDPC's regular "UNGASS News" updates, keeping the network up to speed with developments in the UN drug policy review process is now available, and includes a report on the latest round of negotiating meetings preparing for the High Level Segment of the 2009 Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
According to the Colombian government, cocaine consumers are unaware of the ecological disaster caused by production of the alkaloid. If they knew that cocaine is perpetrating ecocide in the country they would stop consuming it.
The Drug Interventions Programme (DIP) provides interventions for drug-misusing offenders throughout their criminal justice journey. This document is a second compilation of DIP case studies contributed by local DIP workers.
The main objective of the NAOMI Study is to determine whether the closely supervised provision of injectable, pharmaceutical-grade opioid agonist is more effective than methadone alone in recruiting, retaining, and benefiting chronic, opioid-dependent, injection drug users who are resistant to current standard treatment options.
Many of the debates in Vienna revolve around the consistency of CND policies and decisions with existing UN conventions, declarations and mandates. This resource book gives easy access to the relevant texts, and explains how they can be used to improve the outcome of the review.
A report produced by four leading Washington-based advocacy organizations, makes a detailed, persuasive case for a new U.S. strategy that would achieve current U.S. policy goals while ending impunity and strengthening respect for human rights. Instead of risking all by placing too much faith in a single, charismatic leader, the United States must appeal to the aspirations and needs of all Colombians by strengthening democratic institutions, such as the judiciary.
IHRA's HR2 programme has authored a submission to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights www.ohchr.org. The submission - entitled 'Harm Reduction and Human Rights: The Global Response to Injection-Driven HIV Epidemics' - was prepared following a call by the High Commissioner's office for input in preparing a biennial report on HIV and human rights for the UN Human Rights Committee meeting in March 2009.
Michel Perron and David Turner had meetings with the Chair of the 52nd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Executive Director of UNODC and the President of the International Narcotics Control Board.
Ann Fordham has now joined the IDPC as full-time Coordinator. Her initial priority will be to review the Consortium's governance structure and membership criteria in consultation with members. Attached is a consultation paper which includes two proposals.
The second negotiating meeting to debate the political declaration to be presented at the High Level Meeting (scheduled for March 2009) took place last week (24/25/26 November).