
Results 3253 to 3264 of 3817
17 June 2011

WOLA Report - Tackling urban violence in Latin America: Reversing exclusion through smart policing and social investment

The report discusses the relative effectiveness of strategies to reduce violence in four different Latin American cities: Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Medellín in Colombia, Ciudad Juárez in Mexico, and Santa Tecla in El Salvador. The four cities are attempting to improve citizen security by combining smart policing strategies and social investment in marginalized communities most affected by crime.
17 June 2011

WHO Technical brief on ATS No.4 - Therapeutic interventions for users of amphetamine-type stimulants

The interventions described in this brief adhere to internationally accepted principles of drug treatment, are evidence based and reflect a public health perspective. These are alternatives proposed to the predominantly law-enforcement approaches to ATS use currently common in the Asia–Pacific region. Medical interventions for the treatment of physical and mental health problems are described, as well as psychosocial treatment approaches including community-based interventions.
17 June 2011

WHO Technical brief on ATS No.2 - Harm reduction and brief interventions for ATS users

This brief outlines public health interventions directed at those who use amphetamine-type stimulants. Research indicates that the majority of ATS users are casual/experimental users who do not require intensive treatment interventions. Instead, they require information and counselling to enable them to appreciate the potential risks from ATS use and take measures to mitigate these harms.
15 June 2011

Medicine and the epidemic of incarceration in the United States

Over the past 40 years, the number of people in US prisons has increased by more than 600%. On 1 January 2008, one of every 100 adults were behind bars. The medical profession has the chance both to advocate for changes in the criminal justice system to reduce the number of people behind bars who would be better served in community-based treatment and to capitalise on the tremendous public health opportunities for diagnosing and treating disease and for linking patients to care after release.
1 June 2011
Guerra alla Droga - Rapporto Della Commissione Globale per le Politiche Sulle Droghe

Guerra alla Droga - Rapporto Della Commissione Globale per le Politiche Sulle Droghe

La guerra globale alla droga è fallita, con conseguenze devastanti per gli individui e le società di tutto il mondo. Cinquanta anni dopo la Convenzione Unica delle Nazioni Unite sugli Stupefacenti, e a 40 anni da quando il presidente Nixon lanciò la guerra alle droghe del governo americano, sono urgenti e necessarie riforme fondamentali nelle politiche di controllo delle droghe nazionali e mondiali.
1 June 2011

HIV & Islam - Responsible religious response to HIV & AIDS in Malaysia

Since the HIV epidemic was first established in 1986, a total of 65,235 cases of HIV have been cumulatively reported in the Malay Muslim community, which constitute 71% of the total caseload. Recognising the low level of engagement of Islamic religious authorities in the community-based responses to HIV and AIDS, the Malaysian AIDS Council took the pragmatic approach of building strategic partnerships with national and state level religious departments.