O programa chinês de substituição da colheita de ópio tem muito pouco a ver com a disponibilização de mecanismos para decrescer a dependência do cultivo da papoila ou com o fornecimento de meios de subsistência alternativos para os antigos produtores de papoila. Financiar a expropriação não é desenvolvimento.
Peace is not just seen as a matter that solely involves the government and ethnic armed opposition groups. Instead, for real ethnic peace to be achieved, it is essential that peace is addressed in a much broader way as an urgent matter that concerns all citizens.
The vast majority of the opium and heroin on the Chinese market originates from northern Burma. Apart from attempting to address domestic consumption problems, the Chinese government has also created a poppy substitution development programme, and has been actively promoting Chinese companies to take part, offering subsidies, tax waivers, and import quotas for Chinese companies.
Recent data from the Australian Institute of Criminology’s Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) program indicate a decrease in the use of ecstasy among police detainees.
Dados recentes do programa do Instituto de Criminologia Australiano de Monitorização do Uso de Drogas na Austrália (DUMA) indicam um decréscimo no uso de ecstasy entre os detidos pela polícia.
In October 2010, the Harm Reduction Coalition, a national advocacy and capacity-building organization, surveyed 50 programmes known to distribute naloxone in the United States, to collect data on local programme locations, naloxone distribution, and overdose reversals.
Of 30 European countries, 24 sanction prison OMT, but only eight provide coverage that matches average EU community levels. It is important to challenge negative perceptions of prison OMT and promote equivalence of care and continuity of treatment.
Fornecer educação sobre a overdose opiácea e sobre a naloxona a pessoas que usam drogas e a pessoas que poderão estar presentes numa overdose opiácea pode ajudar a reduzir a mortalidade associada à overdose opiácea, uma preocupação de saúde pública em rápido crescimento.
This article reviews some common examples of new recreational drugs, and provides a framework for conducting an interview in the primary care setting with people who may have problems with their use.
Myanmar produced an estimated 610 tonnes in 2011, making it the world's second-biggest opium supplier after Afghanistan. Now, emerging from half a century of military dictatorship, Myanmar says it wants to buck that trend.
Este relatório baseia-se em dados recentemente recolhidos no terreno em numerosos países onde a Aliança Internacional VIH/SIDA actua, para explicar porque a crise no financiamento requer uma acção urgente por parte dos doadores do Global Fund e outros interessados.
This report draws on recently collected field data from numerous countries where the International HIV/AIDS Alliance operates to explain why the funding crisis requires urgent action on the part of Global Fund donors and all other stakeholders.