
Results 2953 to 2964 of 3838
7 May 2012
HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: Don’t stop now!

HIV, drug use and the Global Fund: Don’t stop now!

The report includes a set of recommendations, most prominent of which is a call to the Global Fund to ensure that it continues to support HIV and harm reduction programmes, so that global commitments to reduce HIV transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs by 50% by 2015 can be met.
4 May 2012
An urgent need to scale-up injecting drug harm reduction services in Tanzania

An urgent need to scale-up injecting drug harm reduction services in Tanzania

High prevalence of HIV and HCV detected in the population of people who inject drugs (PWID). Rapid scale-up of targeted primary prevention and testing and treatment services for PWID in Tanzania is needed to prevent further transmission and consequent morbidities. These are the conclusions of the study "An urgent need to scale-up injecting drug harm reduction services in Tanzania: Prevalence of blood-borne viruses among drug users in Temeke District, Dar-es-Salaam, 2011"
2 May 2012
Human Rights and Drugs

Human Rights and Drugs

Articles in this volume address coerced drug treatment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the INCB and ayahuasca, and the death penalty for drug in China.
22 April 2012
Guide to Hepatitis B for people living with HIV

Guide to Hepatitis B for people living with HIV

Welcome to this treatment guide for HIV-positive people who also have hepatitis B (HBV). This guide provides information on the prevention, care, and treatment of HBV, and the impact of HBV on HIV disease. It is designed to be accessible to people with no medical training.
22 April 2012


Мы приветствуем всех читателей нашего справочника. Информация, которая в нем содержится, рассчитана, главным образом, на ВИЧ-положительных людей, у которых также диагностирован гепатит В. Справочник содержит информацию по профилактике, лечению и уходу при ВГВ, а также по воздействию ВГВ на течение ВИЧ-инфекции. Издание составлено таким образом, чтобы быть доступным для людей без медицинского образования.