
Results 2893 to 2904 of 3751
9 April 2012

Stop Imprisonment, Time for Rehabilitation

A new report produced in Indonesia by the Monitoring Network of Human Rights Violations against People who Use Drugs looks specifically at police mistreatment of drug users. The stigmatization of drug users often means that government officials can act with impunity when it comes to violence, coercion, and use of abusive force
3 April 2012
Drugs, Insecurity and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

Drugs, Insecurity and Failed States: The Problems of Prohibition

The global trade in illicit drugs is thriving, with no apparent change in global levels of consumption despite decades of prohibition. After 18-months of research, Nigel Inkster and Virginia Comolli have concluded that the present enforcement regime is not only failing to win the ‘War on Drugs’, it is also a major cause of violence and instability in producer and transit countries.
1 April 2012

Drug policy debate is needed

Why should we look again at UK drug policy now? The present government has taken a brave policy approach to alcohol and tobacco in the interests of the nation’s health, and a review of drug policy is timely from several perspectives alongside the Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting in Vienna.
28 March 2012

HIV treatment as prevention among injection drug users

HAART prevents HIV transmission because it dramatically decreases HIV-1 RNA levels in biological fluids. Efforts to expand HAART to IDUs should be redoubled in an effort to realize both the individual and public health benefits of HAART.
26 March 2012

Guide on Estimating Requirements for Substances under International Control

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is launching the Guide on Estimating Requirements for Substances under International Control on the occasion of the centennial of the first international drug control treaty, the International Opium Convention signed at The Hague on 23 January 1912, which was the cornerstone of international drug control.