The area under coca crop cultivation in Colombia rose 3 per cent in 2011 to 64,000 hectares (ha), up by 2,000 ha compared with 2010. Overall, the picture, therefore, remained stable for the raw material used in the production of the illegal drug cocaine.
The report presents the major developments in harm reduction policy and programme implementation since 2010, enabling some assessment of global progress.
The joint policy brief by UNODC, the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Development Programme proposes a comprehensive package of 15 interventions to address HIV in prisons settings.
This paper summarises some of the approaches used today to prevent and reduce the health and social risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol in recreational settings.
Harm reduction approaches to drug control have almost exclusively focussed on consumers in northern countries. This article supports recent analysis that indicates that such policies also hold relevance for producer countries by drawing on recent policy innovations in Bolivia.
WHO has identified four key actions countries can take to prevent viral hepatitis B and C among people who inject drugs. Of the estimated 16 million people who inject drugs worldwide, it is estimated that 10 million are infected with hepatitis C. An additional 1.2 million are infected with hepatitis B.
Following the first warning of the outbreak in Greece, the EMCDDA commissioned a rapid analysis of the situation with regard to the latest epidemiological data and prevention measures being taken.