The purpose of this assessment was to collect information on the scale and quality of the existing MAT services for people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan, and to identify any gaps in such services.
This position paper informs members of the Global Fund Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee about issues which should be considered when making a decision regarding options for the Global Fund's new funding mechanism.
The report offers a series of key findings about the May 11 event and formulates recommendations of the next steps to be taken to ensure that justice is achieved.
The report highlights that the operation of Australia’s prisons need far greater levels of accountability and transparency, as well as a much stronger commitment to providing effective programmes and treatment for people with drug and alcohol problems issues if we are to see any reductions in re-offending rates.
This study found that methadone initiated in prison or immediately postrelease is associated with reduced HIV drug-risk compared to counseling in prison without methadone and passive referral to treatment at release.
The overviews consist of a summary of the national drug situation, key statistics at a glance and a barometer showing drug use prevalence in each country of focus.
Drawing from selected Southeast Asian country case-studies, this very timely Special Issue takes a pragmatic look at opportunities and barriers to effect the change towards harm reduction projects being left unhindered by policies and laws in Southeast Asian nations.
This research describes the epidemiology of HIV in Pakistan and prioritize interventions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the response to HIV.
In this advocacy note, IDPC makes recommendations to produce a strategy that is coherent, evidence-based, and supports member states in dealing with increasingly complex drug policy challenges.
This report does not argue that there should be no law enforcement, nor does it argue that some communities are not seriously harmed by crime, but rather that communities and the federal government should reconsider how much is being spent and on what type of policing