This report analyses the current 'counter-narcotics' operations of the USA in Central America and how successes and failures are justified in this context.
This report, published by CLEAR cannabis law reform, provides a complete and up-to-date review of the evidence that supports the use of cannabis as medicine.
The United Nations Development Program acknowledges the importance of development problems within international drug policies, in particular in the context of the upcoming UNGASS.
This report gives insight into the drug-related problems faced by six countries in the Balkans region, through the available data gathered by a range of partners and the EMCDDA.
The Institute for Policy Studies provides a new understanding of the growing ways in which those in poverty are disproportionately targeted, marginalised, and prosecuted.
This article proposes the addition of new section in the Plan of Action on international drug control that would be entirely dedicated to protecting public health.
This article analyses how Vietnam achieved a 98% decline in illicit opium production between 1990 and 2001 and provides an insight into the existing gaps of research.