This OSF report explores the case of Catalonia where punitive drug policy at the national level has coexisted with a regional policy that has proactively addressed drug use as a public health matter.
The Transnational Institute explores the 1990 and 1998 UNGASS events and discusses the increasing tensions and cracks in the "Vienna consensus," as well as systemic challenges and recent treaty breaches.
The Toolkit is intended as a comprehensive menu of activities and content – from which a facilitator can pick and choose the ones which best suit the context, audience and timeframe.
Il dibattito di Alto Livello del 7 maggio, come richiesto dalla Risoluzione 69/2014 dell’assemblea Generale, rappresenterà la prima volta in cui la preparazione di UNGASS sarà discussa in maniera sostanziale a New York e per questo offre la possibilità di coinvolgere sia la l’intera ONU che le missioni diplomatiche dei vari paesi con sede a New York.
This study aims to investigate potential risk factors associated with high mortality rates reported in people released from prison compared with the general population in Sweden.
The AIDS Alliance India offers an in-depth understanding of the vulnerabilities to HIV acquisition among people who inject drugs in the states of Manipur and Bihar.
This briefing is designed to support those involved in the development of applications for grants for the Global Fund that aim at promoting comprehensive and effective HIV responses.
Penal Reform international provides in-depth information on global trends in imprisonment and also seeks to place these trends in a wider context, and then to draw policy recommendations from the discussion of the data.
The high-level thematic debate on 7th May will be the first time the UNGASS preparations are substantively discussed in New York and therefore provides an important opportunity to engage both the broader UN family and New York-based country missions.
This paper discusses recent changes to sentencing in England and Wales, which aim to recognise drug couriers as a distinct category, and so attribute lesser, more proportionate punishment.
This OSF report highlights the conflicting 2012-2016 strategy of the Global Fund which has prioritized the promotion and protection of human rights and made strategic decisions about the ways it allocates financial resources under the New Funding Model, pulling away from middle-income countries.