Publications from IDPC Members

Results 973 to 984 of 1047
30 October 2008

Beckley Briefing Paper Number 17 - An Overview of Cannabis Policy: Moving Beyond Stalemate (Report of the Beckley foundation Global Cannabis Commission)

This BFDPP Briefing paper provides an overview of Cannabis Policy: Moving Beyond Stalemate, the Report of the Beckley Foundation Global Cannabis Commission. The report was produced after a group of international experts were commissioned to undertake a review of the current evidence regarding cannabis and its place in the international drug control system.
25 September 2008

TNI Debate Paper Number 16 - Withdrawal Symptoms: Changes in the Southeast Asian Drugs Market

TNI have released a new report entitled "Withdrawal Symptoms: Changes in the Southeast Asian Drugs Market”. The studies findings are that the significant decline in opium production in Burma and Laos, which has been heralded as a major success for international drug control policy, is having a devastating effect on farmers and is triggering worrying consequences for drug users.
27 June 2008

WOLA Testimony to US Congressional Committee

On June 19, 2008, WOLA Senior Associate John_Walsh testified before Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress (chaired by Senator Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia) on U.S. drug policy.